What is GPS

The GPS tracking system is becoming a part and parcel of almost everyone’s lives these days. Indeed, this innovation has made way to a lot of comfort and convenience to a number of people already. However, not everyone is familiar with what is GPS tracking.


Basically, the GPS or the Global Positioning System tracking is really a powerful and innovative tool used by a lot of people nowadays.  It impressively determines the exact location of a certain person, asset, vehicle, location, and the like. The information is easily transmitted through certain devices such as mobile phones, GPS trackers, and computers with Internet. Any information can usually be viewed real time with a map to help anyone to locate whatever his subject is easily and quickly.

If you look closer to what is GPS tracking, you will find out that there is a lot more things that it can offer. The benefits are so serious and important that it is almost an unspoken rule for everyone to have this device with them every time. In fact, here are some of the major benefits that the GPS tracking can give:

Avoidance of risks that often happen while driving. Safety is indeed one of the best things that the GPS can cater. This is because if one is installed in a car, law enforcers can easily locate it in cases of accidents and other forms of emergency such as car theft. It is always possible to track down the location of a car with the use of this system.

Low car insurance rates. Cars with GPS tracking are usually given only minimal insurance rates by most car insurance companies compared to those that do not have one. Therefore, in total, you only don’t enjoy convenience and security but as well as a small amount of money saved from insurance.

Moreover, the GPS tracking system does not just end in giving benefits to car owners. These days, it already becomes beneficial to parents and children alike. Parents can easily locate the whereabouts of their children anytime they wish to know it. Meaning, if the parents have constant monitoring of their children, they worry less about thinking of where their children are.


GPS Tracking in Smartphones, Should You be Concerned?

With the Supreme Court currently deliberating whether the use of traditional GPS tracking systems are in violation of the 4th amendment or not, some are beginning to question how private companies (especially those linked to smart phones applications) are not undergoing the same questioning.                               Read Article


Aging in Prison

This article outlines the financial stress many state and local jails are facing as the fastest
growing inmate population - the elderly - require costly medical care. Early release through Electronic Monitoring is one possible
solution for non-violent and infirm offenders. Read Article


Parolees' GPS Alerts Backlogged

Parole supervisors are following up on more than 31,000 alarms in Southern California that
had not been reviewed. Agents and union leaders complain that the new emphasis on GPS
monitoring by computer keeps them from performing important work in the field. Without
utilizing an experienced company for full service GPS monitoring, the question has been raised:
Is keeping sworn peace officers indoors to read GPS data and respond constantly to minor GPS
alerts the best use of agents' time? CDA believes face to face officer interaction time with offenders is a partnership between the
data and the behavior that has to occur in order to properly monitor offenders.                    Read Article  


Electronic monitoring could cut jail population and save money

A county jail in Texas is considering work release program for sentenced offenders serving time on weekends.
Watch news video


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